Sonogram this past Tuesday. Was supposed to be this past Monday but our doctor was caught at the hospital delivering a baby. We were scheduled to go to his west side office, which I did, getting there a bit early, only to find a note on the door, "We've moved to some random address on 13th street". A quick call by Jenn confirmed that their new offices are in the old Albertson's on 13th and Tyler. So we made it just in time to wait 30 minutes in the waiting room.
But the appointment was good and got us these pictures:

We took video too which I have not uploaded from the camera yet, but will. It didn't turn out too well as the camera was having problems focusing on the sonogram monitor, the refresh rate was noticeable through the lens and the camera kept trying to refocus, but Jenn and Ruth watched it and apparently you can see some of it OK. The little ones were quite active at times.
Everything is progressing fine, both babies had heart rates in the 150's and measured around 13.5 weeks.
Jenn continues to have a "heaviness" in her abdomen, as she describes it, which the doc confirmed was just her uterus growing. She's very anxious to feel them move. She's also quite anxious to know if they are boys or girls, going so far as offering the doc a bribe if he'd try to find out, but he flat refused. He gave us a "maybe" at our next appointment which will be around the 16 week mark. Jenn seems to be past the worst of the tiredness, but still gets a bit nauseous if she's hungry and doesn't get something in her stomach pretty quickly.
We're also getting serious about picking names. Or at least I am, as Jenn has had a list several dozen long for quite some time now.