Kayla smiling.
Megan smiling.
Kayla playing. They're not quite as steady as they could be in these seats, but they're at the point where they can hold themselves up and try to play with the toy. Both girls have recently been getting better at holding toys (keys, rattles, etc) for a length of time, and trying to get it in their mouth. Somewhat surprisingly, Megan seems to have the leg up on Kayla in this department, but it could just be our imagination.
But Kayla has beaten her sister in another key milestone, rolling over. She's good enough at it now that she'll roll over almost instantly if you put her on her back on a play mat. She hasn't quite figured out how to roll back yet, but does a pretty good job of keeping her head up and getting her arms under herself, and will usually be content for ~5-10 minutes before getting frustrated. Megan hasn't rolled over yet, but then we haven't had her on her play mat very much lately (more on this later), so possible she just hasn't had the opportunity. Megan, however, does win this months "I Can't Believe They Dressed Me Like This" award:
"My names Megan, and I sell propane and propane accessories."
So, February. Lots of first's this month.
First evening out. Granny and Grandpa Vogts came down the Saturday night before Valentines to give Jenn and I a chance to go out for dinner and a movie. Unfortunately we decided to go to Red Lobster an hour before the movie was scheduled to start, so needless to say we didn't make that. We did do a little shopping though, walked around Barnes and Noble for a while, it was a nice evening.
First night away from the girls. Aunt Karen was kind enough to offer us a night of babysitting, which we took advantage of on Valentines Day. Jenn and I went up to KC that Saturday while Karen, Carl, and Nathan took care of the girls. All went well, mommy and daddy had a good time and didn't call to checkup every hour, and the girls by all accounts were little angels.
First Daddy's birthday. Mom, Dad, and Great Grandma Ruth came down on my birthday to take us out to eat, and watch a little of the KU game. We also got the opportunity to get this picture:
First sickness. Jenn got a sore throat last week that eventually ballooned into a full blown cold, which of course everyone in the house (including Ruth) caught as well. As I type both girls are in their swings, looking to be on the mend though still coughing/sneezing up gunk and running minor bouts of fever every once in a while. Considering what a cold must be like when you're 4.5 months and don't know how to blow your own nose or clear your own throat, girls have handled it pretty well. They get pretty fussy once in a while of course, especially when they're running a fever, but still we can get smiles out of them most of the time. We did get some pretty good "sick baby" pictures that I still need to get uploaded from the camera, probably post them next time.
If all goes well today, I should also get some new videos up on the Youtube site sometime today.