Monday, July 27, 2009

A Mother Always Knows -- Except When She Doesn't.

Let's revisit Mike's last post.
He posted a "twin challenge" picture. A picture in which the girls looked remarkable similar and difficult to distinguish.

I looked at the picture and thought how similar they look -- but still, I knew which was which. I even identified the girls in a conversation with my mom-in-law.

Today, I looked at that picture again -- this time, I clicked on it to make it bigger. And what, to my horror, did I discover? I, their own mother, had mixed them up. And I'm horribly embarrassed. So embarrassed I'm posting it for the world to see!

Anyone who listened to even part of my hysterical ramblings when I was pregnant with the girls knows that one of my top fears was that I'd mix them up, not be able to tell them apart. Over and over, people have asked me, has it happened? And I can always say not really -- sure, the occasional momentary slips -- I'm notorious for saying good morning to the wrong one when Mike brings one in to wake me up if I'm sleeping in...but can you blame me when I haven't been awake but a matter of seconds, and have a cheerful baby pouncing on me?

So tonight I scanned the photo files to see if Mike had taken any other shots of the girls at that same time, that would make it more obvious. There were only two pictures that I found.

The original:

One other:

And now I'm even more positive about which one is which.

Unless of course, Mike swapped them between photos....

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Twin Challenge

Can you tell which is Kayla and which is Megan?

Girls have pretty much mastered the art of standing up on their own, and walking around tables and such. We've also seen standing for a couple of seconds on a number of occasions as well.

Unfortunately girls have also been sick again recently. Ear infections for both. We were fooled the first few days with Megan, thinking it was just teething, but the fevers kept on, so here come the antibiotics. They're both doing a lot better now, but still a bit fussy in the evenings going to bed.

Granny Vogts was also down for a visit earlier this month.

Seen here shamelessly spoiling the girls in some nebulous way that will only later be revealed.

That's all for now, this post was mainly about getting some recent pictures up. See you later!