Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - 3/31/10

Megan, Kayla
Megan, Kayla

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Girlies on the Go!

The girls are always on the go!  We still keep them corralled in the living room area, but let them come with us into the bedrooms and the kitchen whenever we go there.
Mike installed the safety latches on the under sink cabinets, so the girls won't be creating a Cascade sand pile, or getting into any potentially harmful substances.
The biggest problem though, is convincing them that Loki's water bowl is not for them to play in, and his food is not yummy.


Kayla and Megan
Both of them have a fascination with lifting things bigger than they are, at every opportunity.  In this case, they emptied the clothes out of the basket, or at least most of them, then tried to carry the basket.  At least they took turns!

Kayla and Megan

Megan and Kayla
Of course they still have the fascination of getting in things....together....

Megan and Kayla

Megan, also known as Mighty Megan, sometimes forgets she's little.  Here we catch her attempting to lift a kitchen chair.  She tried HARD -- pulling back and making her strong face.  But she finally gave up ....

...and climbed on top of it, instead.

And both of the girls have become big helper girls.  Most of the time they like to help by bringing us things we ask for, or putting things in the trash, or giving a sippy to their sister.  Of course we have to be careful because putting things in the trash is fun!

Kayla and Megan

I can't believe they're almost 18 months old!  Little girlies are growing up!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

First Haircut -- and First Haircut 2

The girls were born with a lot of hair.  Of course a day must come when that hair has to be cut.  Who knew it would be one night when I was giving them baths.  While it was wet.  Too short.  I couldn't share these at the time, because it was very sad.  Mommy does not have a future as a hair stylist.   At least I only cut the bangs!  And it grew out.  I inflicted this shortness of bangs on the girls last November.
They both had some long tails of hair on either side in the back.  The middle sections in the back weren't going to catch up, and it really needed cut.

So when I finally accepted that it was time to trim up their hair all over, we took them to a professional, to get it done properly.  I sure wasn't going to risk doing a too-short bowl cut on more than just their bangs!

We went to The Hair and Shampoo Center because they advertised a certificate for a child's first hair cut, as well as a special room with special chairs.  The east side location we went to had a room painted like an ocean, with animal chairs.  Each station had a dvd player - the girls watched Elmo.  Unfortunately, my camera's batteries died after one picture.  We had to resort to pictures with cell phones, which didn't all come out well.

Megan on a frog in the ocean!
Kayla watching TV on a frog in the ocean!
Kayla with her sticker and her new 'do!
Megan, going shopping after her haircut.

It was actually a painless and tear-free experience for all of us.  And yes, we got certificates and snippets of hair as well, to commemorate their first ocean haircuts!

Happy Valentine's Day! (Hey, don't look at that calendar)

I once told my husband for the first year, I intend to spoil the girls rotten.  For all we endured to get from point A to point B, I was going to celebrate the journey to the girls for a year by spoiling them with clothes.
 Kayla and her bunny, gifted by my friend Marilyn
The girls were gifted with a lot of clothes - some of which became my all time favorites.  I appreciate every one of them!  But of course, I wanted the thrill of picking out some outfits for them myself.  After all, I'd looked forward to that experience every since childhood.  Well, at least high school...
 Size-sorting and detagging gifted clothing in preparation for the girls' arrival 

I distinctly recall walking through a department store with my mother when I was a senior in high school, passed the baby clothes.  I stopped at a rack of cute baby dresses.  When mom inquired why I was looking, I asked her what she thought about my starting a hope chest with baby clothes in it. After all, seniors received a free Lane cedar chest so I wanted something to put in it.    She quickly explained the cedar chest was more of a jewelry box size, not a hope chest size, and then went on to explain why buying baby clothes at that time for a hope chest probably wasn't the best idea for her college bound daughter with no marriage prospect at the time.  My mom is smart.

Ebay was my friend.  The mail carrier probably hated delivering our mail for all the packages.  But hey! a bargain is a bargain!  And the girls' clothes drawers did overflow.  Every holiday they had not one outfit, but probably 2 or 3 outfits each.  Don't get me started on Christmas outfits -- let's just say it was a lot more than 2 or 3 each.

So in February the girls were 16 months old.  And I had no Valentine's outfits for them.  I waited until they were on clearance, and then snagged two matching tops and two different pants -- which fit perfectly with my preference of matching their clothes without making them wear the same exact outfit.  On sale no less!  yay me!  But then I didn't get a decent picture of them in their outfits.  oops!

Kayla (left) and Megan (right) in their Valentine's outfits

Megan (left) and Kayla (right)

Kayla, showing her belly  outfit

After all, I can still spoil them with clothes for the holidays, right? Isn't 16 months still in the first year?  

Wednesday, March 03, 2010


This past Sunday Jenn had some month end stuff to do in the office, so the girls and I spent the afternoon/evening together. Good day overall; we wrestled around on the floor, watched a lot of Dora, the US/Canada gold medal game, and I think the Science Channel was even running a "Planets" marathon of some kind.

Around 4:30 or so Megan was stinky, so we went and changed her diaper. She wasn't having any of it, trying to wriggle out of her sleeper, kicking like crazy, but eventually we got her all zipped up. We went back to the living room just in time to see the US/Canada game go to overtime, and during that break we ate an early supper. Girls ate theirs, I washed each girl up and set them back in the living room, first Megan then Kayla. When I set Kayla down I noticed a spill of something on the carpet, figured Megan must have spilled a bit of sippy or the puppy got too excited for some reason, didn't think much of it and just dabbed it up.

Girls by then were happy to watch some more Dora, so I nuked a Hot Pocket or something and ate while they played. Somewhere around 6:30 or so we started getting tired, so I grabbed Megan and started making ready for a bath.

I had her sleeper completely off before I realized that she wasn't wearing a diaper. I double checked the sleeper....No, it wasn't in there. I looked around on the floor....Nothing there either. I must have stood there for a good 5 minutes, unwilling to admit the truth to myself, but finally came to terms with the fact that my daughter had been running around the living room diaperless for the better part of 2 hours, wearing only her sleeper. Evidently I had just forgotten to put one on during the last eventful diaper change. And yes, that was her "accident" on the carpet that I had blamed on the dog.

I got pretty lucky all things considered; no poopy, and only the one accident. They were rolling around everywhere on the living room floor; had she been water-logged it could have been a nightmare. Really though, if we would have started a "When will Mike forget the first diaper" pool before October '08, I'm guessing the heaviest action would have been way before ~17 months. I feel pretty good about beating the odds.

In non excrement-related news, things continue to chug along nicely overall. As Jenn mentioned I was laid up for quite a while thanks to my back, but seem to be on the mend and can at least get around and function. No surgery, but PT and a couple of epidurals, seems to be working so far. Girls are growing as always, we seem to be just about on the cusp of really breaking through in speaking. The "backpack" and "map" portions of Dora in particular elicit very familiar sounds. We can also sign "please" and "more" like pros, walk in and out of daycare on our own, locate Mommy, Daddy, Kayla, Megan, Grandma(s), Grandpa, and Loki with no problem, find toys by name, and just in general, our sentences are becoming more than a string of "dat dat's".