Sunday, May 22, 2011

Making Muppins

The girls love making muffins.  Or as Megan calls it, "making muppins".

They both get on a step stool.  Mommy measures, and let's them pour, stir, put out papers and spoon in the batter.  They make a mess.  Oh, my do they make a mess.  But they're learning, having fun, and messes clean up!
 Kayla, Megan
  Kayla, Megan
Kayla, Megan

So they aren't the prettiest muffins ever -- but give them time.  The chefs are only 2  1/2 years old, you know!

Kayla's Pretty Dress

Kayla said, "Take picture of me in my pretty dress".....
..and so I did, while she put on a cheesy grin!

The latest trend is to wear a dress over their clothes.  It makes for some interesting outfits around the house, that's for sure!  Playing dress-up -- with their own clothes!

Easter Baskets

Wow -- it's been nearly a month since we posted!
And let me tell you, a month is a long time in the growing up of 2 year olds! 

So let's revisit Easter.
The baskets!  Yes, pink and purple!
 These cymbal-playing chickens sit atop a tube of candy.  I don't let them have candy often.  There were exceptions, but this candy wasn't one of them.  In fact, they didn't even know it was candy until their cousin told them what it was inside the handles.  Of course, now they just point to it and tell us it's candy -- and continue to play with the chicken on top.
 Megan and Kayla
  Megan and Kayla, sharing some Gerber Fruit Chews
  Megan and Kayla, with Chocolate covered Marshmallow bunnies
  Kayla, Megan and Loki
 This is what was left of Megan's bunny when she was done.  Note that there is a small bite mark on the feet -- that was where she tasted it.  She held it for a while, but didn't care about eating it and eventually abandoned it.
 This was what was left of Kayla's bunny.  Kayla enjoys eating.  She abandoned her bunny after eating most of it -- but not all of it.

The girls enjoyed their baskets -- and still talk about hunting easter eggs!