Sometimes it's a challenge to convince the girls to go to bed. Sometimes, they have different ideas of what they want to do at bedtime. Like going to bed on the kitchen floor. Or in a laundry basket.
This summer, the girls started going over to Grandma's house to play. From our deck, I can see them in her front side yard.
Occasionally, she lets them play on the neighbor's swing set. They love climbing and sliding! The doctor's office has a slide and climbing tower, so they enjoy going there. I'm sure that will change some day, but it's nice for now!
And when it's time to come home, they can come through the yard back to our house. They like to stand on our deck and wave to Grandma on her deck, or look out the kitchen window and wave to Grandma.
Grandma and Mommy took the girls to a craft show. They had a great time - - especially when the nice clown made them balloon flowers! Although getting them to stand still for a picture was a challenge:
Megan, Kayla
Megan -- playing with her balloon??
After the craft show, we went out to lunch at T G I Fridays. They ate chips and salsa, but Grandma told them not to take too much, or it would burn their mouths. That began the still-repeated phrase, "too much burns my mouth" about any dip/sauce they encounter.
Kayla, Megan, sharing with Grandma
Kayla, Megan, showing their coloring-page menu to Grandma
The girls do very well at restaurants. They even will express their preference on what they want to eat. Unfortunately, that doesn't necessarily mean they'll want it when it reaches the table.