Still going strong. Jenn had a little bit of worry this week as she was having some cramping around Tuesday night I believe. She went to the doctor Wed and found she had a bladder infection, which she got antibiotics for. More pain on Thursday, but different pain, a sharp stabbing, which turned out to be round ligament pain it looks like, and nothing to worry about. We figure we've passed the halfway point, seeing as how twins rarely go full term.
The course of all these she had a couple of sonograms done (we were scheduled for one anyway this week), and both babies continue to look good. Heartbeats were visible, arms were moving, etc. No attempts were really made to confirm the "It's Girls" prediction as they were just very quick checks. Sounds like we may be getting a more detailed sonogram with a high risk specialist sometime in the next few weeks.
Everything has arrived for the home theater (except for a couple of HDMI cables which should be here next week), we got a TV stand this week, it's all sitting in the basement ready to be setup. That's the task for this weekend, Dad will be coming down to help me out.
I'm going to Orlando the week of June 9-13 for an MSDN conference. After that, probably have to get serious about getting the upstairs spare bedroom cleared out, getting some of that furniture moved into our bedroom, in preparation for the nursery.
Linda found out she's having another boy the other day. They didn't seem to like my suggestion that only 3 more and they'd have their own basketball team.
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