Couple of more recent photos to start things off. Don't ask me why there are three pacifiers in that first picture.
Things have been going pretty good. The only issue we've run into so far is the girls seem to have confused 11pm with 11am, and are usually awake and ready to rock right about the time we're both ready to hit the hay. Those of you with children are right now laughing that I find this unusual, and in fact I don't, as this was pretty much the same schedule they kept in-utero. We're trying to get them in the habit of eating a nice, big bottle right around this time, to hopefully knock them out for a few hours, so far with limited success. Jenn has been taking the brunt of the nights so far, and napping during the day when she can.
Other than that, however, one could not ask for better babies. They rarely cry unless a need is not being met, eat well, sleep a lot (during the day at least), and only reluctantly punish daddy for not changing a diaper quick enough. We had their two week checkup (a day early) today, doctor was very pleased with how they're getting along. Kayla weight in at around 7 lbs 6oz and Megan at 6 lbs 9 oz (guestimates, they wrote down the numbers for us but a baby on my chest prevents me from checking easily). Doc said that the goal he looks for is to have them back at their birth weight at two weeks, so they are well ahead of that. Barring any issues we don't have to take them back until their two month checkup.
The girls had their first "trip" to Grandma Bingham's last night as well. We went over for the evening, a task that sounds a lot easier than it is with two babies in carseats and a still-recovering wife. Granny and Grandpa Vogts were also down last Saturday, and both girls got their first sponge bath at home, of which I have video. When I get really ambitious (and have some time), I'll maybe see about YouTubeing it. Great Grandma Vogts and Aunt Kathy are supposed to be stopping by sometime tomorrow as well.
Not much else to report besides baby stuff. I'm still off this week, but head back to work next week. Just for fun, we'll end this post with a random picture of Loki.

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