

Daddy and his girls

Also, there are a couple new videos up at the Youtube channel.
Girls had their two month appointment yesterday. Kayla weighs 10 lbs 13 oz, and Megan 9 lbs and 13 oz. Megan was a little low on the percentiles for length and such, but is still growing at an expected rate, so all is well. Kayla was around the 50th percentile, for singleton, full term children. Doc found no other problems, they got their shots with minimal fuss and have not shown any negative effects, and all is well.
Jenn went back to work today. Little tough on her, but to be expected, she handled it well. In her stead, I'm taking three weeks off from work, through the 29th, to take care of the girls. Should be interesting; today was pretty uneventful though. Girls slept most of the day, perhaps a little hangover still from their shots.
We were up at Granny and Grandpa Vogts on Monday, took the girls up to the grade school so mom could show them off to everyone there. Then just kind of hung out for the evening; dad and I babysat while Jenn went shopping in Mac and mom went up to a school play for a bit. Sounds like we'll be seeing them sometime this weekend as well, mom's coming down to go shopping.
Other than all that, it's pretty much business as usual. Girls are starting to become more aware of their environment it seems, we can get smiles out of them once in a while, they will follow toy keys somewhat, etc. Kayla in particular seems to be fascinated with chewing on her fists as well, discovering that she has them I guess. Megan has been her usual diva-self, always wanting held.
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