We lead things off up in Canton with Christmas for the McMannis side. The girls wore their pink Santa outfits that were entirely too big for them, but cute nonetheless.
We also had the opportunity to take a picture of all the McMannis kids (plus some adults to keep young ones in check), minus only Mary's little ones, but still producing enough cuteness to knock poor Bella over.
Quite a crew! Next up, three days later we were in Canton again, this time for Christmas with Granny, Grandpa, Linda, Shane, Jordan and Jalen. The four cousins were kind enough to stage a Cuteness Battle Royal, though at the end of the night there was no clear winner.
Christmas Eve and Day we had Grandma Bingham, Karen, Carl, and Nathan over to our house.
Daddy ended up sleeping most of Christmas Eve, having a little bit of a cold (as well as about 4 hours of sleep the night before). I am told, however, that both Kayla and Megan's cuteness continued unabated.
Finally, the day after Christmas we headed up to KC for the Vogts Christmas at Aunt Kathy's. Here we see Aunt Linda apparently telling Kayla shocking stories of what I was like as a big brother.
This trip also featured baby's first hotel stay, baby's first out of state trip, and perhaps most important of all....baby's first KC Masterpiece! Who knew they made Burnt End flavored formula?
Anyway, that was our late December. We also had a last minute, impromptu KU bowl game watch/New Years Eve party at the house with James, Tricia, Ron and Justin, as well as an "End of Day of Gaming" get together over at James' last night.
As far as day to day life, my time at home is now officially over, and Ruth is now our day care. Girls seem to be doing fairly well for her, she hasn't quit yet anyway. We're also coming up on 3 months, end of next week I believe. They're both doing great, starting to become more and more aware of their surroundings, talking to us some, sleeping through the night more often than not. The amazing continues everyday.
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