Friday, March 27, 2009

Next time, on House

So the girls are sick with colds again. Kayla first earlier this week, now Megan is definitely getting hit. The pattern seems to be Jenn - Me - Kayla - Megan; hopefully we'll find a way to break the cycle of disease sometime in the next 18 years.

Really though this is just a flimsy excuse to post a couple of pictures of "Babies Fist Rook Game" taken at the end of January at Lucille's, that I forgot on my laptop for a couple of months:

The Great Blizzard of '09 has descended upon us, which got me out of work early today. In all seriousness it is kind of nasty out right now, sleet falling with apparently a bunch of snow to follow. If the girls cooperate and keep napping like they are now, there should be some new videos up on the Youtube site later today.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

March Madness

So yeah, girls ended up being a tad bit sicker than we originally thought. Sick babies were sick.

But once we got them over their first sickness, things got back to normal, including gratuitous pictures of girls in KU gear.

Things have actually been semi-busy lately. I had both girls up to Mom and Dad's last weekend while Jenn went to a baby shower, and we were back up this past Wednesday to see Barb, Paula, Linda and the boys. Then Granny Vogts came down Thursday night, and watched the girls Friday, getting this picture as well:

Girls are also at the point where they can use bouncy seats, which we have been taking great advantage of.

As you can see, playing in the bouncy seat can be hard work.

Girls are also well into eating cereals, and this week we started them on carrots as well, to mixed reviews.

Both of them took to rice, oatmeal, and barley cereal right away, but so far the carrots have been a tough sell. Megan did a little better with them tonight, and Kayla will do OK if it's mixed in with cereal of some kind.

Other than that, things are pretty much business as usual. Girls passed 5 months this month, and are definitely getting stronger (they can pull themselves up a little) and more coordinated playing with toys and such. Both girls can now roll over from stomach or back as well, and can make a little forward momentum doing a little pseudo-crawl every once in a while.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

KU Girls!

Wow, are we slacking on the updates!

So – a friend of mine mentioned that he hadn’t seen the girls in much KU gear. I forget the exact wording, but it made me laugh. You see, we have a lot of it – and they wear it frequently! But we don’t seem to have a lot of pictures of them in it! So we’re trying to change that.

So let’s try for some KU pictures here!

Kayla in her swing, and Megan, bundled up from a trip one evening out to see Grandma. It was cold that evening. Her little suit is bigger than she is, but she was warm!

It’s a shame we can’t capture a roll-over in a picture, since Kayla is quite good at it now and can go both ways! Megan goes from back to tummy, but hasn’t gotten back over yet. Yes – both girls went “the hard way” first, from back to tummy.

They’re both eating cereal like champs! We’re getting ready to start the vegetables now. Messy babies! But they get so excited about it, they can’t always stop their little hands from grabbing the spoon to help! Then of course trying to fit their hands in their mouths WITH the cereal – and spreading it across their faces. I guess that’s just what babies do! Cereal mask facials at 5 months old.

We still have the sick baby pictures to do. In Mike’s last post, it’s ironic he wrote “if all goes well…” because shortly thereafter, we ended up at the ER with Megan. Her breathing was too labored and she had no voice to cry with at all. Turns out they had RSV. They suctioned out the gunk from poor little Megan. Kayla wasn’t so bad off and didn’t need it. They’re both doing great now!

Now me, I'm over the RSV/cold/flu/whatever -- but allergies are getting the better of me, and I'm off to bed!