But once we got them over their first sickness, things got back to normal, including gratuitous pictures of girls in KU gear.
Things have actually been semi-busy lately. I had both girls up to Mom and Dad's last weekend while Jenn went to a baby shower, and we were back up this past Wednesday to see Barb, Paula, Linda and the boys. Then Granny Vogts came down Thursday night, and watched the girls Friday, getting this picture as well:
Girls are also at the point where they can use bouncy seats, which we have been taking great advantage of.
As you can see, playing in the bouncy seat can be hard work.
Girls are also well into eating cereals, and this week we started them on carrots as well, to mixed reviews.
Both of them took to rice, oatmeal, and barley cereal right away, but so far the carrots have been a tough sell. Megan did a little better with them tonight, and Kayla will do OK if it's mixed in with cereal of some kind.
Other than that, things are pretty much business as usual. Girls passed 5 months this month, and are definitely getting stronger (they can pull themselves up a little) and more coordinated playing with toys and such. Both girls can now roll over from stomach or back as well, and can make a little forward momentum doing a little pseudo-crawl every once in a while.
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