It brings such strong emotions when I think back on the last year.

We are so incredibly blessed to have our two beautiful daughters. They are absolutely a gift from God that we treasure every day.
Megan, with her thoughtful approach -- you can tell there's a lot going on in her little head! We nicknamed her early, "High-Maintenance-Megan". She always wanted held, always wanted to sleep on daddy's chest. She was the smaller of the two, and still is to a lesser degree. I was most worried about her development, but she's quickly proven that there's no need for concern.
She started out shy with strangers, but has since come out of her shell. She's the light sleeper, the one most likely to wake in the night.

Kayla started as the out-going one, always looking to make a new friend. As she's grown, she's become more reserved with strangers. But in the comfort of her home, she'll dive right into anything, no fears in that little girl there! She sucks her thumb when she's tired, screams if she doesnt get what she wants and her smile is the biggest little smile!
She often wants whatever her sister has -- and takes it from her. But if Megan takes something from her, she tends to take it right back.

They each have their own personalities that are developing more each day. It's so exciting to see them growing up! But at the same time, I want to keep them my little girls forever.

Happy Birthday, my little miracle babies! We love you more than you'll ever know!
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