Sunday, November 29, 2009

This Is How We Roll

Saturday, the girls and I went back to the craft show -- this time, with my mother. We had a good time! Mom made it out without buying anything, but we enjoyed the afternoon with the girls.

That's Kayla in front, taking off the last shoe. Neither of the girls wanted to wear their shoes, but Megan won the shoes-off race today. I was able to sneak their bows onto their heads. They lasted for the whole time at the craft show. Amazing!

(My mom likes to push the stroller, I don't make her do it.)
We still dress them alike at times -- but the preferred style is matching pink and purple. Here they're in their matching jackets, getting ready to leave.

Underneath those jackets, they were matching little Jayhawk cheerleaders. Cheerleaders that refused to leave their bows in their hair!
Daddy took some pictures before we left the house.

They just don't pose like they used to! They're a lot quicker these days.

If you look closely, one pink bow and one white bow -- Megan stole them both and took off. Kayla wasn't happy about it!

Sometimes the girls try to put them back in their hair, as Kayla demonostrates for us.

Before we go, Megan starts reading a book to Kayla.

But Kayla wanted to finish reading it on her own, right side up.

It was a busy holiday weekend, but we all enjoyed it!

Friday, November 27, 2009

A Big Day

Today I went to a craft show with my friend Tricia and her mother in law, Julie. We had a fabulous time! I can't talk about what I purchased, because I shopped for Christmas gifts!

After the show, we went to lunch at Chili's. The girls had taken a nap that morning, but I woke them up to go shopping. By the time we got to lunch, it was about time for their afternoon nap. They're never good at napping in the afternoon, but maybe today they would have been.

Kayla tried to nap, on the table at Chili's.

That was my cue to take them home. They snoozed on the way home, and then had a second wind. If only we could've harnessed that energy -- we could have powered a small town for weeks!

Kayla And Megan Go To Work

Last month, I took Kayla and Megan to visit friends at my old office.

Kayla wasted no time in her attempt to take over. Her winning smile made it easy and she would have gotten away with it, but she couldn't reach the desk.

Megan made her move, and sat up tall, to avoid Kayla's mistake in her takeover attempt. But Dick was taller, so he maintained control.

Better luck next time, Girls!

Kayla's Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day

You know our girls -- if one does it, the other one either has already done, is about to do it, or is thinking about doing it!

Well, Kayla couldn't let Megan be the only one with pink eye! Yes, we thought Megan only had an infected tear duct. Now that Kayla came down with it -- in both eyes -- we're wondering what she really had. No one else around us or at daycare has had it. Odd!

But being the super parents* that we are, we learned from our experience with Megan -- and at the first sign of it, started treating Kayla. (*Mark this day on the calendar -- it's not often I feel we're ahead of the game!) So Kayla didn't get nearly as bad as Megan. (And of course, didn't have the rug-burned nose that completed the image.)

This is as bad as it got -- which wasn't bad at all by comparison*, but still, wasn't fun for poor little Kayla! She only showed symptoms one day. In the morning, her eyes were clear and not crusty. (*of course we don't compare our girls, you must have misread something....)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Megan's Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Week

A quick explanation of the above picture. Tuesday I believe I was watching the girls in the living room when Megan, playing like normal, took a tumble over one of the ride 'em horses. Looked pretty much like a normal fall, little bit of crying, but upon closer inspection we noticed her nose was a little red. Rug burn, which you can see in the picture.

Wednesday Jenn took the girls to daycare, but mid morning gets a call saying that Megan's eye is swelling. She takes Megan to the doctor, and the diagnosis is pink-eye (though no one else at the house or at day care had/got it, in retrospect we wonder if it wasn't just a clogged tear duct or a reaction to something in her eye). Doctor gives us some antibiotics and eye drops, and since at the time we think it's pink eye she can't go back to daycare, Ruth comes over for some middle inning relief help. I get home that night and find this sitting on Grandma's lap, happy as can be. Apparently it was much worse when she woke up from a nap earlier, almost completely swollen/crusted shut.

She's doing much better now though, eye's not swelling/crusting shut anymore, almost back to normal. Still, I couldn't resist the picture. Poor thing.

Aside from that little adventure things have been well. Girls are finally over their extended colds/flu's/etc. Jenn tried to get a picture of them in cute outfits the other day:

She took at least a dozen shots, and this was about the best one. Sometimes it just doesn't work out with twins.

Girls are really starting to test their independence, Kayla more so than Megan though, who still likes to sit on a lap drinking her morning sippie. Kayla also likes to test us, climbing up on the fireplace ledge and pulling back the "fence" protecting the TV, just to see what we'll do. "No" still seems to translate into "Aren't you clever for playing this enjoyable and entertaining game with me!" for her. Kayla is also into climbing things as well, to the point where she will try to stand on toys to gain height to reach something else, whether it's the chair daddy is sitting in, or the coffee table like she did this morning. For a while there it looked like Megan was going to be the adventurous one, but lately they seemingly have traded personalities. Or perhaps we just got them mixed up and don't realize it.

We like to "play rough" as well. Occasionally we'll get reports of the girls getting after each other from daycare, and especially in the evening after supper, they tend to like to run around, tackle each other, roll around on a blanket/pillows on the living room floor, etc.

TV is also starting to become something more than the weird noise maker in the corner. Wiggles and Yo Gabba Gabba are favorites, and here we see Kayla at the end of a spirited dance. The downside: No more Firday the 13th marathons. The upside: I may yet reach my goal of teaching them the difference between man-to-man and zone defense before the age of 3.

And finally we see a common site, both girls plotting against us.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Trick or Treat!

Many of you reading this blog have children of your own, grown or otherwise. Undoubtedly you have dressed them up for Halloween at some point, and thought that they looked pretty cute in whatever costumes they donned. It's my sad duty to inform you that, however cute you thought they looked, in reality, it pales by comparison to how cute kids in Halloween costumes can look. Witness:

Sobering realization, I know. As of yet I have not heard from the US Geological Survey; I'm surprised this level of cute did not register on a seismograph somewhere, but perhaps they have already recalibrated their equipment to compensate.

So yes, Halloween has come and gone. I took the girls up to Canton Saturday afternoon to "trick or treat" Granny and Grandpa, then Grandma Ruth came over that evening to see them in costume and help us with neighborhood kids trick or treats.

Girls have just recently gotten over yet another sickness, a bad cold/maybe flu. Fevers, runny noses, and lots of coughing, which Jenn and I both shared in of course. Anyone know what it might cost to hermetically seal an entire house?

Things are great otherwise. Mischief continues, as you can see. Kayla in particular has been getting after it lately; her new favorite game is to run across the living room into someone's (hopefully) waiting arms, get up, go torment Loki, and repeat ad nauseum. She's also developed what we've dubbed the "cheesy grin", which is generally code for "Watch what I can do!" Both girls have also shown clear signs that they understand the spoken word, able to go fetch a certain toy or dropped sippy cup on command. I would also include "Obey the word 'No'" in that list as well, but....well let's just say we need to learn to hit for a better average in that area. Spoken words are still largely "Ba ba", "Da Da" or "Ma Ma", but every once in a while a new consonant can be discerned.


That's all for now, bye bye!