A quick explanation of the above picture. Tuesday I believe I was watching the girls in the living room when Megan, playing like normal, took a tumble over one of the ride 'em horses. Looked pretty much like a normal fall, little bit of crying, but upon closer inspection we noticed her nose was a little red. Rug burn, which you can see in the picture.
Wednesday Jenn took the girls to daycare, but mid morning gets a call saying that Megan's eye is swelling. She takes Megan to the doctor, and the diagnosis is pink-eye (though no one else at the house or at day care had/got it, in retrospect we wonder if it wasn't just a clogged tear duct or a reaction to something in her eye). Doctor gives us some antibiotics and eye drops, and since at the time we think it's pink eye she can't go back to daycare, Ruth comes over for some middle inning relief help. I get home that night and find this sitting on Grandma's lap, happy as can be. Apparently it was much worse when she woke up from a nap earlier, almost completely swollen/crusted shut.
She's doing much better now though, eye's not swelling/crusting shut anymore, almost back to normal. Still, I couldn't resist the picture. Poor thing.
Aside from that little adventure things have been well. Girls are finally over their extended colds/flu's/etc. Jenn tried to get a picture of them in cute outfits the other day:
She took at least a dozen shots, and this was about the best one. Sometimes it just doesn't work out with twins.
Girls are really starting to test their independence, Kayla more so than Megan though, who still likes to sit on a lap drinking her morning sippie. Kayla also likes to test us, climbing up on the fireplace ledge and pulling back the "fence" protecting the TV, just to see what we'll do. "No" still seems to translate into "Aren't you clever for playing this enjoyable and entertaining game with me!" for her. Kayla is also into climbing things as well, to the point where she will try to stand on toys to gain height to reach something else, whether it's the chair daddy is sitting in, or the coffee table like she did this morning. For a while there it looked like Megan was going to be the adventurous one, but lately they seemingly have traded personalities. Or perhaps we just got them mixed up and don't realize it.
We like to "play rough" as well. Occasionally we'll get reports of the girls getting after each other from daycare, and especially in the evening after supper, they tend to like to run around, tackle each other, roll around on a blanket/pillows on the living room floor, etc.
TV is also starting to become something more than the weird noise maker in the corner. Wiggles and Yo Gabba Gabba are favorites, and here we see Kayla at the end of a spirited dance. The downside: No more Firday the 13th marathons. The upside: I may yet reach my goal of teaching them the difference between man-to-man and zone defense before the age of 3.
And finally we see a common site, both girls plotting against us.
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