Saturday, February 06, 2010

Welcome 2010 -- Off With a Challenging Start

Near the end of 2009, Mike started having problems that were indicative of a ruptured disc.  Not wanting to go down that road again, he was able to put off surgery with medication.  Our hope was to make it until spring or summer, when the girls could walk in and out of daycare, when they would actually listen when we'd say 'no', and when Mike's mom wasn't in school so we could ask her to help us out with the girls some while we had the surgery and while Mike recovered.  The best laid plans....

So the year started out quite hectic for me at work.  First week of January was some long hours at work closing out the year.  Second week of January we revamped the inventory system at work.  We're still dealing with the that effort and working through things.

Megan had another ear infection, and both girls got a mouthful of teeth.  I mean a mouthful!  They had just 4 teeth each for the longest time.  Then all of a sudden, they had teeth coming in all over! Molars included.  I took the girls to the doctor to get the diagnosis and meds for the ear infection, so I was at home one afternoon --and Mike came home early from work.  In pain.  And it went downhill from there.  An MRI, pain meds, more pain meds, and ER visit, and finally an official diagnosis of 2 ruptured discs and a surgery date scheduled.  And a snow storm.  And a snow blower that wouldn't start and a huge drift in the driveway. And a doctor's appointment for the girls to get their H1N1 booster shots.  And January month end at work needing my attention.  So when ever anyone asked me what I needed, I kept saying "sanity".

My mom, Grandma, was able to come help out.  A. Lot.  Aunt Karen came over to help me out as well.
Granny was kind enough to come stay for the whole weekend.  Grandpa came for part of the weekend, too! Things are looking up!

So instead of wallowing in the down sides, let's focus on the positive!
I've gotten a lot of mommy time with the girls.  Aunt Karen got Aunt time with the girls. Grandma is getting more Grandma time.  Granny and Grandpa are getting more Granny time and Grandpa time.  And Mike is getting some rest.

Speaking of the girls -- the ear infections are gone, and while the teething continues...overall, they're doing great!  And we are too -- things are going okay.

Before the girls were born, Granny and Grandpa gave us two books that had holes in the middle for you to put your face.  They're too cute and the girls love them!  They were quite popular when Granny was staying with us.
Granny and Megan

Granny and Megan

Granny and Megan

Granny and Megan
Megan poked Granny through the book.
Then she had a better idea -- and she gave Granny a kiss!
Granny and Megan

I ended up with lots of pictures of Megan and the book, and none of Kayla.  Well, there's this one -- but Kayla is standing with a funny expression and Megan's playing with the book.

Kayla, Granny and Megan

 It's rather indicative of reality, though.  Megan is more interested in books than Kayla.  But as with everything, I'm sure it will change.


Raven said...

Where'd you get this crazy idea that kids start listening when you say "no"? :)

Jenn said...

Let me live in my fantasy world!! :)