And if you're wondering, yes, I can tell who it is from the picture, but I can't describe what it is that makes them look different to me. I can tell you their hairlines are different -- but at any given time, Kayla's may look like Megan's and Megan's may look like Kayla's. The spacing in their teeth is different. Kayla has a mole that Megan doesn't have, but it's not somewhere that shows. They both have pink spots - birthmarks that have faded as they've grown, so unless you know where to look and which one looks like what, that doesn't help either.
But those aren't the things that make me know. They just look different to me.
But in a photo, it's a split second point in time, and there are some pictures where I'm not 100% sure who's who. But that's okay, they're only pictures.
And besides, if you call them the wrong name, they'll let you know!
"That's Kayla, I Megan!"
"I not Megan, I Kayla!"
And Megan will tell you her name is "Megan Wae!" (Megan Rae)
And Kayla will tell often tell you her name is "Kayla Wae" -- but will giggle and tell you the truth, garbling her middle name in a way I can't begin to duplicate in text, "Kayla Madelyn". I think she wants a middle name that she can actually pronounce.
Sometimes it helps to see another picture.
Of course I'm not telling if it's another of her, or one of her sister!
And this next one is from a completely different day, in which they both also happened to also have pigtails.
Answers to follow later!
2 comments: guess is Megan, but truthfully if they were side-by-side I probably wouldn't be able to tell. Guess that's what happens when we live 2 hours away! :(
I think Megan, but not sure. Thought I was getting pretty good at telling them apart, but guess not.
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