Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Memories

Indulge me for a moment if you will, as I take a little stroll down memory lane.  Now that I'm a mommy, with girls old enough to "get it" at Christmas and have that wonder and excitement of the holiday shine in their eyes, I can't help but think about when I was a child at Christmas.

My own daddy passed away before I even met my husband.  He was a good dad and I miss him.  Mom and dad made sacrifices for us kids all the time -- more than we ever knew.  I remember the year that mom was in the hospital over New Years.  What I didn't know was that she was supposed to be in the hospital over Christmas -- but didn't want us girls to have that memory of Christmas.  Years later when I learned about it, I appreciated it.  Now that I'm a mommy, I understand it even more.

I remember every Christmas, getting our picture taken, in our jammies and housecoats, taking down our Christmas stockings.  That was before digital cameras, of course.
My stocking had a bit of green along the cuff.  My sister's did not.  Dad's was a larger one.  The dog's was a little white stocking with a red cuff.  There was always one missing -- no stocking for my mom.

As kids, we didn't notice.  For years, we didn't notice that mom didn't have a stocking.

I remember the year we did notice.  We were hanging stockings, and I realized we didn't have one to hang for mom.  I asked mom why she didn't have a stocking -- and she smiled and said, "I don't know -- daddy?"
He said he didn't know -- but that we'd better get her one!.   We got her a white one.

So why, for so many years, didn't she say anything about not having a stocking?  Didn't it upset her? I didn't understand that part for a long time.  How come she wasn't upset and didn't feel left out?  Because she knew then, what I learned as I grew older.  Christmas isn't about getting, it's about giving.  It started with God giving  His Son for man.

Mom knew the joy I know now when I watch my girls at Christmas.  They get so excited about seeing Christmas lights and decorations.  Watching Kayla run up to Santa and hug him was indescribable; especially when she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek spontaneously.  Listening to them sing Christmas songs makes my heart happy.  Their eyes get so big when they get excited about a present.  Watching them share their new toys makes me smile. Their joy shows in their faces as they rip the paper off each present.  The ear-to-ear grins and gasps of delight when they find what Santa left for them delight me, too.

I told them to get their stockings from the fireplace, and they squealed when they saw there was a stocking for each of them full of goodies.

And just like when I was young -- I doubt they noticed if mommy had a stocking or not.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Balloon Clown at Farmer's Market

We went to the Farmer's Market one Saturday morning.  The girls wanted balloons from the clown.  They watched intently while waiting in line.  When it was their turn, the clown asked what balloon they wanted.  Megan didn't hesitate at all -- she wanted a bunny rabbit!  I don't know where that came from -- no one ahead of us had gotten one!  He made her a purple bunny rabbit.

Kayla and Megan with her bunny rabbit balloon
When it was Kayla's turn, she said she wanted a bunny rabbit, too.  Taking a cue from their clothes, the clown asked if she wanted a pink one.  She nodded, and he went to work!
Troubles the Clown, making Kayla's pink bunny rabbit
They were shy, but still thanked him for the balloons, and were happy with their bunny rabbits!

After wards, we went to lunch.  The always like going to a "rest-au-rant".  It's always a long three-syllable word when they say it.

Megan carefully dipping her french fry
Megan, with Kayla eating her french fry


Circle Day

Sometimes at Miss Kelli's daycare, they have themes.  These pictures were from Circle Week.  The girls and their friends got to be "Circle Detectives" outside.  There were circles hidden in the yard, and the kids got to find them.  Megan found the first one!  She was SO excited!
Circle Detective Megan, finding the first circle!
A little more detective work, and Kayla found one as well!
Circle Detective Kayla

Another picture from daycare -- where the girls are sharing a glue stick and gluing circles to their paper.  They LOVE glue sticks!
Kayla and Megan's Circle Art
They were so excited when they got to bring home some circles that day!  Circles are exciting when you're three!

Jelly Pizza at Denny's

Every once in a while, we "divide and conquer".  One of the girls will go with Mike, and one of the girls will go with me.  On this particular occasion, Kayla stayed home with daddy because she was tired.  Megan went out to lunch with mommy and Grandma.

We went to Denny's, and Megan picked a pizza off the menu.  Grandma had a breakfast plate, with toast.  When she put jelly on her toast, Megan insisted she needed jelly, just like Grandma.  Grandma was happy to share some jelly toast -- but Megan INSISTED it be jelly on her PIZZA!

Grandma and Megan
We didn't think she'd eat it.  We were wrong!  She ate it, and asked for more!  and more, and more, and more!
Nice lady and her daughter, behind Megan
At one point, Grandma said she was almost out of jelly, and the nice lady at the next table over immediately handed her some jelly off their table.  Couldn't have Miss Megan eat her pizza without jelly now could we??
Megan and her jelly pizza
At least she ate most of her sliced apples, too -- without jelly.

Shopping with Grandma!

A lot of times I go to the store with the girls and my mother.  It gives Mike a break and gives us girls a chance to spend time together out of the house, while getting some necessary chores done, as well.

On this particular shopping trip, we were on a quest for a particular brand of butter that came in cinnamon flavor, for mom.  My sister, Karen's mother-in-law, Janice, had given us a heads-up that Leeker's grocery carried it.  Leeker's is a smaller grocery store that has a couple of centers, usually located in suburbs of Wichita.  So we went to one!
Mom had Kayla, and I had Megan in my cart.

I was looking for a particular Lawry's seasoning packet that is also not carried at the major chains in Wichita.  I scanned the shelves, and when I turned around, Kayla had made a tower in mom's cart, and she hadn't even noticed!
Grandma and Kayla
Grandma and Kayla
She was very proud of her tower!  I'm not sure how architecturally sound it is -- but it stayed up quite well!

September Zoo Trip - Los of pictures!

Last September, just before the girls' third birthday, we took them to the zoo.  It was the first time we'd done so, even though the zoo is just across town.   We met up with our friend Tricia and her daughter, Emma and toured the zoo with them.
Megan and Kayla

We'd planned to do it before, but never quite got around to it.  We thought it was warmer than it was when we ventured out, so the girls were a tad underdressed for the weather.
Daddy rectified that situation quickly by buying each of them a long sleeved blue Sedgwick County Zoo t-shirt!
Megan and Kayla
First we went to see the giraffes.  Grandma Ruth Bingham really likes giraffes, so I'm including lots of giraffe pictures!

Baby giraffe running over to the momma giraffe

Daddy and Megan watching giraffes
yeah, I don't know either.  Let's go with Kayla and Megan since Megan had polka dots on her bow earlier.

 Let's stick with Kayla and Megan.

They had fun getting up close and personal with some of the animals.
We tried to get them to pose with the sculpture, but couldn't get their attention at the same time.
Emma, Megan and Kayla watching a gorilla
Emma, Kayla and Megan with the bear
Megan, Daddy and Kayla, watching penguins
A Peacock -- wandering around near the penguins
While we were at the zoo, we also stopped at the playground area.  The girls LOVED climbing and sliding!

We had a great time, and look forward to doing it more this coming spring!