Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Memories

Indulge me for a moment if you will, as I take a little stroll down memory lane.  Now that I'm a mommy, with girls old enough to "get it" at Christmas and have that wonder and excitement of the holiday shine in their eyes, I can't help but think about when I was a child at Christmas.

My own daddy passed away before I even met my husband.  He was a good dad and I miss him.  Mom and dad made sacrifices for us kids all the time -- more than we ever knew.  I remember the year that mom was in the hospital over New Years.  What I didn't know was that she was supposed to be in the hospital over Christmas -- but didn't want us girls to have that memory of Christmas.  Years later when I learned about it, I appreciated it.  Now that I'm a mommy, I understand it even more.

I remember every Christmas, getting our picture taken, in our jammies and housecoats, taking down our Christmas stockings.  That was before digital cameras, of course.
My stocking had a bit of green along the cuff.  My sister's did not.  Dad's was a larger one.  The dog's was a little white stocking with a red cuff.  There was always one missing -- no stocking for my mom.

As kids, we didn't notice.  For years, we didn't notice that mom didn't have a stocking.

I remember the year we did notice.  We were hanging stockings, and I realized we didn't have one to hang for mom.  I asked mom why she didn't have a stocking -- and she smiled and said, "I don't know -- daddy?"
He said he didn't know -- but that we'd better get her one!.   We got her a white one.

So why, for so many years, didn't she say anything about not having a stocking?  Didn't it upset her? I didn't understand that part for a long time.  How come she wasn't upset and didn't feel left out?  Because she knew then, what I learned as I grew older.  Christmas isn't about getting, it's about giving.  It started with God giving  His Son for man.

Mom knew the joy I know now when I watch my girls at Christmas.  They get so excited about seeing Christmas lights and decorations.  Watching Kayla run up to Santa and hug him was indescribable; especially when she leaned up and kissed him on the cheek spontaneously.  Listening to them sing Christmas songs makes my heart happy.  Their eyes get so big when they get excited about a present.  Watching them share their new toys makes me smile. Their joy shows in their faces as they rip the paper off each present.  The ear-to-ear grins and gasps of delight when they find what Santa left for them delight me, too.

I told them to get their stockings from the fireplace, and they squealed when they saw there was a stocking for each of them full of goodies.

And just like when I was young -- I doubt they noticed if mommy had a stocking or not.

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