Sunday, December 23, 2012

January/February 2012

Happy New Year!
My recap glimpses have finally reached this year!

January brought a bit of excitement.

There is nothing that can accurately describe the feeling you have when one of your daughters comes to you and tells you there is a bead stuck in her nose.

But that's what Megan told me.  WHY she put it up there, I'll never know

It wasn't a big bead.  It came out quite easily, in fact.
I explained that we don't put beads in our noses..and she seemed okay with that.
At least we didn't have to go to the ER for this one!
 Jayhawk Kayla & Jayhawk Megan
Loki, Kayla, & Megan

I took Kayla out shopping and to Wendy's for some one-on-one time with mommy.

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