Saturday, December 07, 2013

Mother's Day - [A post that was never posted]

Written on Mother's Day weekend 2013, but accidentally saved as a draft post and never published on the blog

 Husband isn't feeling well, so the girls and I went out shopping this morning, met grandma for lunch, and more shopping this afternoon.

At one point, Megan started to cry that she really wanted to go to Dillon's -- because she wanted to buy me flowers for Mother's day there -- but it was a surprise. Could they do it themselves and would I not look?

It was quite entertaining to people watching us as I let them pick out a bouquet of flowers while "not looking" (even though i had to help them get it out of the holder -- "Dont look, mommy!").

And then had to help them put it back and get a different one "Close your eyes, mommy!"

They finally they settled on some light pink roses (which happen to be my favorite, but they didn't know that -- just that pink was my favorite color).

More grins and giggles by the people in line with me and the cashier as they would squeal, "DONT LOOK, MOMMY!" while we paid for them.
The sheer joy on their faces when we were at home and they finally "let me see them" was priceless.
Love them!

Thanksgiving Heart-Warmer

The girls are 5 now.  They're in preschool and I am continuously amazed at the things they come up with these days!

Sometimes they bring the most creative things home from school.

And sometimes, they bring home things like this.

I apologize in advance for the pictures that will make it difficult to read.
This was one of those preschool projects where they make a Turkey out of a handprint.
Then they had a paper and they asked the kids to draw a picture of something they were thankful for, and one of the teachers would write it what they said to complete the phrase, "I am thankful for __________."

Now I realize that at 5 years old there may be coaching or prompting, but I'm choosing to ignore that possibility and just enjoy the sentiment.

Megan made this:

 Megan's handprint-Turkey, "GIVE THANKS"
 Megan's picture of her and Kayla "I AM THANKFUL FOR ____KAYLA______"

Doesn't that just melt your heart?
Well, maybe it's a mommy thing.