As small as the little ladies are right now, they get lost in some of their clothes. All the sleepers we had were humorously large on them, so they've been wearing regular onsies to bed each night.

For Halloween, Granny Vogts gave Kayla and Megan each a small-sized sleeper that doesn't swallow them up whole. Megan is still a little overwhelmed in hers, but not comically so, except in the feet. It's okay though, she was way too tuckered out to notice!

They wore their sleepers tonight, and mommy couldn't resist taking pictures before tucking them into bed. (It's a shame she didn't brush Kayla's hair before the picture!
Bedtime bath makes
for spikey hair.)

And of course we can't forget our "oldest child", Loki, who beat them all to bed this evening!
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