Jenn was trying to get a couple of pictures to send to me at work this week, and Loki decided that he needed to help.
So we made it through the first week of me being back at work. It was a little tough for Jenn, as the girls still tend to get a little fussy during the night, necessitating her staying up to all hours. Karen has been able to come over several mornings though, allowing Jenn to catch up on her sleep somewhat, and of course Ruth has been over to help about every day as well. And the girls are getting a little better about sleeping for 2-3 hours at a stretch overnights, the past several nights have been much easier. Aside from lack of sleep though, and a little case of diaper rash lately, the girls are doing great, and mom and dad are holding up. We may get this whole baby thing figured out yet.
Babies dressed up for Halloween, sort of, thanks to Aunt Karen.

Big adventures for babies today. Jenn and I took them up to BeautyFirst so she could show them off to several people she knows up there, and then we took them to the mall. We were primarily there to buy a new washer and dryer, which we did from Sears, scheduled to be delivered Monday. I also got my hair cut, and we bought a couple of outfits from some baby clothes store. Jenn had to change both their diapers at various times, we fed them while we were eating lunch, a nice little 3-4 hour trip all told. Again, perhaps we'll be able to figure out this baby thing yet. Mental note though: Next time bring a stroller.
Having twin girls in a public place is interesting to say the least. Everyone sort of does a double take at a minimum, you hear a lot of "Oh look twins" type comments as they walk past you, and a lot of people can't help themselves, and have to ask about them. Are they twins, how much did they weigh, how old are they, etc. Maybe it's just the carseats (bright pink) that make it obvious, but something tells me that this will only get worse as we go. When they get a little older and can interact with people, we may just have to assume we won't be able to get out of any store in less than an hour.
I sent this via email to many, but for anyone I may have forgot to tell, we also have a Youtube site setup for videos of the girls. All of these are a little dated (girls were three weeks old this past Thursday), I need to take some more, but videos of babies sleeping really isn't that compelling. Keep that site bookmarked though, as any video I do take will be uploaded.
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