Things have been going pretty good lately. Babies had a little bit of a cold last week, but nothing too serious. Last Friday a couple of friends from Jenn's office came and babysat for us in the evening, while we went to eat at Sumo with James and Tricia. After we came back to the house, James and I went downstairs to drink a couple of beers and watch Survivorman, and the girls had a little fun playing dress-up with the girls.
The pigtails maybe weren't that impressive from an overall standpoint, but the girls bald spots are starting to fill in finally, something that is of great relief to their mommy.
I think on the last post I forgot to mention the girls weights; 15 lbs 15 oz for Kayla and 15 lbs 3 oz for Megan. They're definitely getting to be big girls, getting more active and able to explore things around them. We bought an expandable playpen for the floor to "corral" them, and they're quite happy to lay in there and roll around playing with toys for an hour or two easy, as they're doing now. We haven't seen any real crawling yet, but have seen little legs start to get underneath them when they want to go somewhere. No teeth yet either but some unusually fussy girls once in a while, along with a constant need to have something to chew on, so only a matter of time. Kayla in particular has taken to sucking her thumb when she's tired. Megan will sometimes too, but not as much. Grandma Vogts of course loves it, as it reminds her of Linda. We try to discourage it somewhat, but figure that if she's only picking up the habit now, how bad can it really be, and when the girls are crying to keep themselves awake (they take after their mommy this way), seeing that thumb in the mouth is actually somewhat of a welcome sign.
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