But it’s not just me. Remember Mike saying how my friends put the girls’ hair in pig tails? Here’s a different view, that shows it a little better.

Mike was mowing lawns and I was alone with the girls. We’d already eaten and it was time for baths. Normally, we use the baby bath in the kitchen sink, one at a time. Well, mommy wanted to be different, so we got out the ducky tub!

The girls seemed to have an okay time. It wasn’t really roomy enough, but that helped them stay upright more easily. At first they were a bit put off by the environment, since they’d never been in the ducky tub before. They’re not used to sitting in water, either. But then when they realized it was a bath, they were okay with it.
But, mommy is a prude, and won’t put naked pictures of them on the internet! So I covered them with washcloths.

Megan decided one wash cloth was a toy at first.

Then she decided it was a snack.

By that time, Kayla was done with pictures (and the giant duck head) so we called it a night.
All in all, it was fun! They’re first bath in a sorta-real tub!
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