Saturday, May 29, 2010

Found on a camera

Shortly after Jenn and I started dating, I went and bought a digital camera, I think possibly as we were planning on taking a trip somewhere, and it just seemed like a thing to have. Nikon Coolpix-somethingorother, a decent 4 megapixel model that did yeoman's work taking 9 or 10 snapshots we'd take in San Antonio, California, or wherever we'd go.

By the time Jenn was about 4 or 5 months pregnant, however, I started getting it in my head that it was probably about time for a camera upgrade. Four years of technology movement had all of the sudden made the "nice pictures" look a little fuzzy and dated when compared with other digital photos you'd see. Plus like most point-and-shoot digitals, there's a bit of lag time between when you press the button and when the picture is taken, thanks to auto-focus, flash, etc. Which isn't a problem if you're taking a picture of a mountain or the Golden Gate Bridge, but does become problematic if you're trying to take a picture of, say, a black-and-white puppy who's more interested in what someone dropped on the floor than posing. Newborn's mobility is more mountain-like than puppy-like of course, but I had heard tell that this changes eventually, so off to the Internet I went. I eventually settled on a Canon DSLR model capable of taking better pictures much more quickly, and it likewise has been great. There was nothing wrong with the older model, however, so we kept it around, and it has proved useful at times. It's smaller size is advantageous, but mostly it is sometimes in the right place/right time, when you want to take a picture of something the girls are doing, but can't find the DSLR, or it's rechargeable battery is dead.

Hence, the older Nikon tends to collect a somewhat unique collection of pictures, usually over a significant length of time, as we don't always think to collect the pictures off of it in a timely manner. This morning after I put the girls down for a nap, and resolved to make a post after only a 3 month absence, I checked the Pics Temp folder on my computer, which we generally use for dumping new pictures off the camera, and what do I find but a bunch of photos from the old Nikon, that Jenn must have put on there.

Must have been when they were first learning to stand themselves up, I'm sure one of us was trying to "capture the moment".

Obviously a particularly messy eating night. I see Carrots I think, probably peas or green beans, and a hint of cereal, possibly Rice. Looks like Megan, and as you can tell, eating is Serious Business.

Girls enjoying pizza crusts. Judging by the file dates on the pictures themselves (Aug '09) they would have been just short of a year old. Note how small they look in the high chairs.

Daddy likes yogurt. The girls like yogurt. We come to an understanding.

No idea.

And of course a more recent one.

Things have been good overall for us, if a bit harried. Seems like we've been bouncing from one sickness to another for the most part: Girls get the flu, daddy gets it, mommy gets it, girls get a cold, to daddy and mommy, etc etc. But growth and development continue at a tremendous rate. All of the sudden, items that used to be safe on a counter, are no longer. We're also slowly starting to get accustomed (both babies and parents) to life without barriers at home: For the most part we'll do pretty well when told to stay out of kitchen drawers, or to put back laundry in the basket, and go back to playing with something else without too much fussing, though of course not always. They'll get into anything and everything if they've a mind to, but at the same time, we'll often get a good 15-20 minutes of them just playing with blocks, or the princess castle, dutifully stacking towers or moving the prince figurine up and down the stairs. Vocabularies continue to expand as well, including such classics as "Up", "Help", and "Juice". I could have sworn I heard "charge" the other day when watching a basketball game as well, but it might have been "block"; I don't think they quite grasp the finer points of the NBA half-circle under the basket. Yet.

That's all for now, bye!

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