The other evening, Megan was wide awake in her crib. Kayla was sound asleep. In fact, Megan had tossed a pillow into Kayla's crib on top of Kayla, who slept right through it. So I brought Megan back out to the living room to burn off some energy before trying to put her back to bed.
Boy was she awake!
She played a little, putting a bucket on her arm like a purse. She filled it with blocks and pop beads, carried it around the room, and unloaded it - only to fill it again.
But her favorite activity of the evening was playing with a towel. She would put it over her head and run across the room.
She didn't walk, she'd run full-tilt. I don't think she could see through it -- but she sure had no hesitation when she ran!
She even carried a basket around with her part of the time.
She'd run at me -- flop onto my lap, then turn and run the other way.
It was a really fun game for her -- and she came up with it all on her own! I worried she would run into something, but she she didn't. She just kept putting the towel back over her head, running across the room, yanking it off and grinning!
Then off she'd go again. She'd have her arms out in front of her, like she was feeling her way -- but she seemed to know where she was going, navigating around the toys scattered across the floor.
She went back and forth between me and the tan glider several times,with the occasional detour around the rocker.
Who needs a halloween costume this year --- we can just give her a towel and call her a ghost!
She was sad when I decided it was time for her to settle down so she could go back to bed.
But she soon settled into Mommy's lap with a sippy of milk and went to bed happy a short while later.
Nothing like a late night run through the living room to get a little one ready for bed!
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