Sunday, June 13, 2010

No, We Won't Pose.

Mirror image feet?  Spontaneous...didn't notice it until I saw the picture.

Megan & Kayla

Now's not a good time, mom...Sesame Street is on and you're in the way! 

Kayla & Megan

All right, fine -- but don't expect us to smile!

Kayla & Megan

Does this look like a tough little girl or what..... love the thumbs in her pocket!  Rocking her baby-Jayhawk tank...

 Mighty Megan

 But she's not really so tough...she's a sweetie! Just like her sister!
Kayla & Megan

The girls have a fascination with this roll pillow we have.  They love it, even though it's almost as long as they are tall.  Maybe that's why -- they like to carry things that are bigger than they are...exercising those super-twin powers, you know!  It sure doesn't look comfortable to me, but I'm not a 20-month old, either!


Breakfast is serious business.
Scrambled eggs, cheese, raisin bread toast and milk.
Very serious business.

And then Megan got all artsy with her toast, standing it perfectly on end.
   And like any good little artist -- she wouldn't eat her artwork.
 Megan's Artwork

So mommy had to throw it out.
That was sad, but it's forever preserved here.

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