Sunday, October 09, 2011

Kayla and Megan at 3

First up, some media:

Yes, it's the Big 3-0, minus 27. We had a nice party at the house here with Grandma, Granny and Grandpa, Linda, Jalen, Jordan, and Karen, Carl, and Nathan. The day was exciting enough that the girls were in bed and asleep by 6:30, which around here might as well be Halley's Comet. 

To say Oct 9 snuck up on us this year is an understatement. Literally, the phrase "Huh, guess we ought to plan a party?" was uttered between Jenn and I less than 2 weeks ago. Meanwhile the girls continue to evolve at an almost frightening pace, identifying letters on site (particularly "M" and "K"), talking more and better, and just generally continuing to amaze.

We've had many adventures in the four months since I last posted, amazing tales of wonder and discovery. If only I had some means to convey them to you! Yes, I have slacked greatly. Some highlights:

- We had a trip to the zoo, meeting Tricia and Emma there on a Sunday morning. It was a cooler day, right after the heat wave broke; too cool (and windy) for little girls as it turned out, who showed up in sleeveless shirts and skirts thanks to our poor planning. A couple of quick purchases of long sleeved shirts from the gift shop helped solve the problem. One of the first things we saw were the giraffes, and when asked the girls will be happy to tell you about the lions, elephants, bears, penguins, gorilla, and the peacock. 

- Several times the past few weeks Daddy - and this weekend, Mommy and Grandma - have taken the girls to a park on Central here in Andover, which is pretty nice as far as parks in mid-major city suburbs go. It also gives the girls a chance to demonstrate a level of agility and bravery that Daddy did not know they have and, quite frankly, I'm not quite sure I'm ready for. Oh look, there's my daughter climbing a pole 9 feet off the ground, that's something I'm totally not worried about! 

- Big girls acting their age (for the most part) also get to go over to Grandma's to play after daycare/work a lot lately, while Daddy mows the lawn or whatever. We still haven't quite got that whole potty training thing down yet, but the work continues. 

- As demonstrated above, the Moon is a constant source of fascination; we almost always look for it going to Miss Kelli's in the mornings. Venus was visible in the sky the other morning as well, and they seemed interested when I pointed out that it wasn't actually a star, but a planet. Yes, I am blatantly trying to turn my daughters in to astronomers, but I'm being realistic. One of them may choose theoretical physics.

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