Tuesday, April 05, 2011


As most of you already know, the weather this "spring" has been quite up and down, as Old Man Winter has put up more of a fight this year for whatever reason. So to, has the Vogts household. It seems like we're on about Month 3 of some immortal cold. The girls haven't suffered nearly as much as mommy and daddy, but we've all taken our turn. I am debating the wisdom of surrounding the four corners of the house with perpetually burning fires as proof against further disease.

Still, spirits rise along with the temperature, as we find ourselves at the two-and-a-half year marker. Aside from bouts of colds, the girls have been doing fabulously, and in fact last night brought their continued development into focus.

I needed to mow the lawn after I got home from work, so Ruth came over and watch the girls until Jenn got home. After this was done, Ruth stayed on a bit to go over some tax stuff with Jenn, while I watched the girls. Earlier they had discovered an ABC puzzle, tucked away by the television, and desperately wanted to partake. So we opened it up, and (at least I'd like to think) learned some ABC's. How much learning actually took place I'm not qualified to say, perhaps it was all in one ear and out the other. But they at least can mimic back the letter when told what it was, and could recognize most of the pictures on the puzzle when told what the letter stood for.

Once again, you tend to lose sight of the forest for the trees, unless you purposefully stop and take inventory of what's going on around you. Kayla and Megan regularly have conversations between themselves, that a third party can understand as well. They can easily undress themselves (as we sometimes find out if we put them to bed or down for a nap too early), and can do a half-decent job of getting at least their pants on sometimes as well. They'll interact with TV a lot more, tell Dora which way she needs to go in the maze, or recognize when a character is sad, happy, or silly. We generally have an opinion on what clothes are acceptable when dressing in the morning, unless Daddy is in a hurry and forces the issue.

We also greatly anticipated the birthday of Cousin Jordan recently. Mommy took the girls shopping at  Toys R Us for some Lego sets. Cake and ice cream was the favorite topic of conversation the rest of that week. Had a great time at Tommy and Charlene's, tearing around the basement, and actually doing a pretty decent job of keeping up with Jalen, believe it or not.

Potty training continues with sporadic results as well. We had Great Success! the other day, both girls going big girl potty Sunday night before bed, as well as the next morning after we woke up. Since then, however? Eh, not so much. The process continues.

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