Sunday, December 30, 2012

FaceBook Posts 2012 - Part 2

I post a lot of  snippets on FaceBook -- the Social Networking site.
I wanted to preserve those snippets here, so they'd be included in the book form of our blog that we're making for the girls.

Below are posts from 2012 (part 2):

May 1, 2012 10:23pm
I'm probably the last to figure this out...but in Scramble With Friends -- you can slide your finger across the phone app to pick the letters -- dont have to tap them all. It's quicker to slide through 4 letters than it is to tap 4 letters.

May 7, 2012 6:04pm
It's that time again -- my Tupperware friend is turning in another order! If you want any Tupperware, drop me a note!

May 7, 2012 8:37pm
So....the girls asked me to "sing that song you sang the other night, mommy"...I couldn't remember what I'd sung, but knew I'd taught them a new song.
Kayla couldn't remember -- but Megan finally said, "That Jesus Bible song, mommy"
The B-I-B-L-E song.
So -- now they're singing it in their room -- at the top of their lungs.
Maybe not the best bedtime song, eh? oops!

May 13, 2012 12:23am
The last couple of days, the girls have been WILD children! I don't know what happened, but I even tried to trade them with a guy at Dillon's for his well-behaving little boy one night.
I don't want to jinx it -- but we went to the airport to pick up my aunt tonight, and they weren't the wild children they'd been the last couple of days. Hopefully it was a just a couple-day-phase that we're through with! (Hey, I can dream, right??)

May 13, 2012    
It's so nice having Aunt Marilyn here! It's always fun to hear the sister-stories. Poor Aunt Marilyn, though -- I stuck her in the very back row of the van (car seats in the middle row) -- then took her to Sam's Club and blocked her in with a huge box. She was a great sport, though!

We had a mother's day lunch at my house this afternoon and welcomed her into the chaos that is a family dinner here. LOL She survived : )

May 14, 2012 6:12pm   
We turned on a cartoon.
Megan: That's my favorite one!
Me: It is?
Megan; Yes! I watch it all the time!
Me: What one is it?
Megan: I don't know!

May 14, 2012 7:17pm
We *LOVE* Miss Kelli Martin and her family! Miss Kelli takes care of the girls during the day. Over the almost 3 years we've been with her, she hasn't had very many openings when people have asked. She's going to have a couple openings and now's the chance if you need daycare!!

May 18, 2012 6:19pm
Megan was wiggling in her chair. The cartoon character on tv had just asked the wolf to "wag your tail" help them do something.
Me: Were you trying to wag your tail, Megan?"
Megan: yes. But I don't have a tail.


May 19, 2012 6:13pm
My mom Ruth Evans Bingham and my aunt Marilyn helped find some wall decor for my home. I had one picture on the wall when the girls got home. They were eating dinner, when they noticed it. They approved!

May 19, 2012 6:28pm
I was able to get a bin rack for kid toys at Dillons Marketplace this evening, on clearance. The girls are having a BLAST putting it together with daddy! "It's going to be so cool!" "here's a screw!" "Another pole, coming right up!" LOL to cute.

May 20, 2012 10:18pm
Thankful that my sinuses have calmed down. Now I'm hoping that it's a trend and not just a 1 day reprieve. They still have a way to go to get back to "normal", but it's incouraging!!

May 20, 2012 10:40pm
So the girls picked flowers [weeds] out back this afternoon. Kayla announced, "I will take the flower to Miss Kelli Martin tomorrow.""

May 21, 2012 7:05am
When I worked at BeautyFirst -- I became a 'product junkie' -- and started aquiring my closet(s) full of beauty products.
If I'd done that with all my jobs -- I'd have a garage full of airplanes, and I'd be making Ethanol in my basement.

May 24, 2012 10:29pm
Kayla: MOMMY! Glow worm doesn't work!
Me: Squeeze lower on his tummy

Kayla: MOMMY! Glow worm doesn't work!
Really, Miss Kayla? You're 3 1/2. You've had that since you were too young for it. And suddenly you forget how it works? STALL STALL STALL

May 26, 2012 12:31pm
In the hotel, Nick on TV -- Kung Fu Panda.
Megan: I don't want to watch this. I'd rather watch the news.

May 26, 2012 12:39pm
The girls had a BLAST at Jiggle Jam this morning! Wore them out, we're hanging out in the hotel and daddy's getting lunch from a restaurant for us. Hopefully they'll nap, as we have more excitement planned.

May 26, 2012 12:41pm
‎Ruth Evans Bingham How's my housesitter? Did she make it to your house for breakfast okay? So nice I don't have to worry about our house! : )

May 26, 2012 11:46pm
So at Jiggle Jam, they had a a bunch of inflatable bouncy things. The girls LOVED them.
There was one long one that was a train with a kind of obstacle course inside.
It had plastic windows every so often so you could look in to see the kids going through.

Kayla went through it twice -- Megan went in.....and didn't come out!
She finally tried to come out the front again, and they sent her to the other end. She was having too much fun going back and forth and got confused, I guess!

May 27, 2012 7:53pm

Back home, safe and sound. The girls are disappointed, though. "I wanna go to the hotel and sleep in the big bed again!"

May 29, 2012 9:05am
Megan: We're playing "Sweeties and Grannies".

that's what happens when you call your kids "sweetie" a becomes a noun.
"You be the sweetie now, I'll be the mommy".

May 29, 2012 9:07am
Kayla: We're going on a trip. We're going to the Beach. And then we're going to Kansas City. That's where my babies live, in their cradles.

May 29, 2012 9:21pm
Kayla: Hey! don't measure the horsie's body! She doesn't like that!
Megan: ok
Kayla: You can measure her legs, she likes that!
Megan: ok

May 29, 2012 1:21am
Still on vacation -- one more day! Enjoying it!
At 1:20am -- formatting a booklet version of our blog to save for the girls one day.
I should be in bed : )

May 30, 2012 5:18pm
That awkward moment went someone calls you (Karen J Cravens) and says, "Oh, you weren't who I was expecting to answer." LOL thanks, sis :P

May 30, 2012 6:16pm
Kayla says, "I want another debiled egg" : ) : )

May 30, 2012 6:27pm
Kayla picked up a small shelf from the table that we haven't yet hung on the wall. She held it up to the wall like we did last evening when we were trying to figure out how to position it.
Then she said, "Mommy? Can you hang this right here? I want to put my sippy on it."
Well -- we've been trying to figure out what we should put on it, as well.... Ruth Evans Bingham -- whatcha think? LOL

June 4, 2012 8:26pm
‎Ruth Evans Bingham (mom) and I were sitting on the porch. One of the girls picked a "flower" and brought them to me. When I went to kill a big mosquito, I handed them to mom to hold for a second.
A minute later, she was still holding them. I (mistakenly) said that the girls had given them to her.
She said, [and I quote!] "It's not my weed, I'm holding your weed for you!"

June 6, 2012 7:19pm
The girls put toys in a basket -- and then brought them to daddy -- and told him they were selling toys.
Daddy: how much for the ladybug?
Kayla: 2 costs.
Daddy: 1 -- 2
Megan; For this you have to have 100 costs!!
Daddy: 100?
Megan: Will you buy this from me?
no clue what she was selling...

June 10, 2012 10:30pm
squeeeeeezed the SUV into Ruth Evans Bingham's garage (no room in ours) to avoid approaching hail. Husband is already asleep.
I wonder what he (Mike Vogts) will think when the car is missing in the morning...

June 12, 2012 6:45pm
Kayla: I'm gonna staying here by mommy
Me: What are you doing?
Kayla: Waiting for daddy. We're going to jump on him on the floor. It's a special treat on the floor!
Poor daddy!

June 12, 2012 6:49pm
Megan: Baboom! baboom! baboom!
Daddy: What does baboom mean?
Megan: ummmmmmmm it means you shoot fire at someone.
Hmmmmmm not sure where that came from......

June 12, 2012 6:53pm
Megan: Put us down, daddy!

Megan; Do it again, daddy!

June 15, 2012 6:26pm
Kayla: My forehead hurts.

Kayla: Megan, kiss my forehead because it hurts!

Kayla: Stop, Megan! You're dripping!

June 16, 2012 8:17pm
On TV, Diego is saving the mermaids.

Megan: Mommy, I'm going to be a mermaid when I grow up!
Megan: And i'm going to have a strong tail to push with!

June 17, 2012 8:59am
So....the girls and I made a cake (box mix). They had fun!
Megan grasped the concept of helping mommy "pull apart" the eggs.
Kayla did not. She is an egg CRUSHER!

June 27, 2012 7:06am
Me: Time to go to Miss Kelli's! Get your shoes on, please.
Megan: We can't, we're having a tea party
Kayla: Mommy, the stuffing is out of the chair. come see!

June 28, 2012    
I asked Kayla to pick up the legos.
Kayla held a Lego car and looked at at fondly.
Kayla: I will always remember this car that daddy built.

June 29, 2012 8:00pm
After putting them in bed..
Megan: Mommy? Can you buckle my mermaid dress?
She had put on her dress up mermaid outfit. I tucker her in bed.
Megan: Mermaids can sleep on rocks, but not in beds.
Me: yes, they can
Megan: I'm not a real mermaid.

June 30, 2012 5:32pm
Megan put her corn in her ketchup on her plate.
Megan: Mommy, can I have some more corn?
Me: No, because you're playing with it and not eating it.
Megan: It tastes like apple pie, mommy!

July 5, 2012 8:44pm
and....we have a new stall!
Megan came out of her bedroom.
Megan: Mommy, I want a hug and a kiss.
Then Kayla came out.
Kayla: "Daddy, I want to give you a high-5."

Because everyone needs a high-5 before bed.

July 6, 2012 5:56pm
The other day, I told Megan she couldn't have any more roll at dinner because she hadn't eaten her green beans.
Kayla: I ate my green beans, can I have some more roll?
I gave her some roll. She promptly tore it in half.
Kayla: Here, Megan

Looking out for her sister! sneaky girls.

July 6, 2012 8:55pm
Interesting discover in the storage area of the basement -- a ceiling fan I bought about 10-12 years ago (pre-husband). I intended to have it installed in the bedroom of my old house, but never did.

No surprise to anyone who knows me --- it's PINK.

July 6, 2012 9:13pm
Megan, who got out of bed to go potty...
Megan: Mommy, we have big squares. Kelli Martin has little squares.
Me: Oh, okay.... (I think she meant tiles on the floor?)
Megan: But hers is deep, too.
Me: What does that mean?
Megan: It's when it's running fast, and you sink down into the mud!
Me: oh, like a river is deep?
Megan: yeah -- but there's no mud in here! I will just pretend to sink into the mud in my bedroom.

July 7, 2012 8:23pm
And -- another basement storage discovery --- an old PINK aquarium. My mother wil deny this, but I remember it clearly. I bought this little desk-top aquarium and some stuff to go in it. I set it up in my bedroom, but didn't have any fish yet. My mother came in and saw it and said no way no how was I having a fish tank in my room. LOL
I packed it up. When I moved out, I had cats (just like we did at home) and didn't want to risk it, so I didn't use it. I moved it to my apartment -- to my house -- to our house...and it's been stored. That was 20-some years ago, and it never did have any fish in it!
But it's pink : )

July 7, 2012 8:26pm
Is it wrong to tell my 3 3/4 year old to "suck it up, buttercup"?
I'm SO tired of this whiney fake-crying over every. little. thing,

Don't tell me it's only gonna get worse --- I want to live in denial tonight. : )

July 8, 2012 9:03am
Megan's latest thing --- saying "Huh?" to everything.

July 9, 2012 8:52pm
Kayla and Megan came out of the room, after being tucked in bed quite a while ago.
Kayla: Mommy, Megan wants something.
Me: Megan? What do you want?
Megan: I don't know!

July 13, 2012 10:14pm
Cleaning out the baby stuff this weekend. Glad to get the storage space back -- but sad to realize we no longer have babies and no longer need a pack n play or stroller or high chair, etc. End of an era, right? My babies are growing up!

July 13, 2012 11:11pm
When my husband and I were on our honeymoon in San Antonio, we were driving down a highway -- and saw a banner on a building advertising Videotopia. It looked like it said something about video games -- and curiosity got the better of us. We investigated -- and it was a really cool collection of historical video games.
Upon our return, I emailed Exploration Place here in town and said they should bring it to Wichita. I got a form letter response.

Well -- 9 years later, it's coming to Exploration place, this fall.

July 15, 2012 11:24am
Megan: Now it's a cheese peanut butter and jelly sandwich!
she said after adding cheese to the sandwich I made her ....and proceeded to eat it that way.

July 15, 2012 4:26pm
Megan drew a picture of a spider.
Megan: Look, mommy! It's you when you were a spider!

July 15, 2012 6:17pm
Grandma came over for dinner. After we were done, Kayla asked Grandma, "What did you bring us for dessert?"

July 15, 2012 6:20pm
am + not = Amn't
as in:
Grandma: You're whiney
Kayla: No I amn't!

July 16, 2012 6:47am
Me: Megan, do your shorts fit or are they too big?
Megan: They fit, but they just keep falling down a little.
When she lifted her shirt, they were several inches too big around -- and on backwards, to boot.

July 16, 2012 6:51am
Yesterday we were blowing bubbles. Kayla blew one that stuck to her wand, that had several bubbles attached together.
Kayla: Mommy, look! A Mickey Mouse, bubble!
Disney would be proud...and then of course go after her for trademark infringement.

July 17, 2012 8:51pm
Watching Dilbert cartoon on tv (Crackle TV) and listening to the girls babble to keep themselves awake.

July 20, 2012 8:09pm
Thanks, James Hoyer, for helping get the girls swing set in place! They love it : )

July 22, 2012 8:53am
Kayla: Mommy! I can swallow this strawberry without even chewing it!
Me: We need to chew so we don't choke.
Kayla: I didn't chew it, and I didn't choke!

July 22, 2012 11:59am   
Soooo disappointed....i started taking down the baby border paper in the girls' room. It started coming off so well...but half way through the first wall it started peeling the paint underneath along with it. We're going to have to do some painting in there before I can put up the new border paper after all : (

July 25, 2012 6:48pm
Kayla: Wait up, loser!
Me: We dont call each other losers.
Kayla: Okay.

August 3, 2012 9:45pm
This evening's basement discovery:
In a box that was packed from our old house (and therefore, before we had the girls)...
A pink roll-pillow, embroidered with a princess crown and the word PRINCESS on it.
yeah, it was mine. It's now the girls' pillow. Last I peeked, Kayla was sleeping on it.

August 6, 2012 8:05pm
‎2 little girls + 1 garden bathtub = 1 loud, splashing bath!

August 15, 2012 7:02am
Kayla came in while I was getting ready for work.
She had just changed her dress.
She came out of her room to me and said:
Kayla: Mommy, I cant find a shirt for you.

Apparently, Kayla thinks I wear a size 4T.
I love that girl : )

August 16, 2012 9:23pm
I can hear one of the girls singing in their room.
"Jesus loves me this I know...."
I bet it's Kayla, but I can't tell for sure.

August 18, 2012 6:24pm
So I thought I could get rid of everything that was in the nursery theme. Only problem -- Kayla is SO attached to the "froggie blanket" -- and that's the comforter that goes with the bedding set.
I got princess and tinkerbell toddler-bed sets -- but she insists on sleeping with the "froggie blanket" quilt. Silly girl doesn't realize her attachment is messing with mommy's desire to clean out their room of "stuff"! : )

August 18, 2012 8:27pm
Stall tactic.
Kayla: Mommy, I want a hug and a kiss.
(hug and kiss delivered my me)
Kayla: No, mommy -- I want to kiss you.....on the eyeball!!
Me: No, not on the eyeball.
Kayla: On the nose?
Me: Okay, on the nose


August 21, 2012 6:56am
Megan: Loki [the dog] ate my crackers!
Kayla: Bad boy!
Megan: Do you want to go to jail?

August 22, 2012 7:21pm
Megan: I wish I was baby again.
Daddy: Why?
Megan: Because I want a baby toy.

August 29, 2012 6:33pm
Kayla looked at me and grinned.
Kayla: Mommy! I can see the TV in your face!
Me: what?
Kayla: I mean your eyes! I see the TV in your eyes, mommy!

August 31, 2012 7:46pm
Megan: Mommy, My pillow isn't soft enough. I can't sleep.
Me: I think it's fine.
Megan: Mommy, my bed isn't soft enough!

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