Sunday, December 23, 2012

March 2012 Flashback

Potty training was a challenge.  The more we tried, the less success achieved.
Our pediatrician explained it to me -- it's a control issue.  They know we want them to use the potty, so they're refusing to do it.  He advised that if we quit caring about it, they'll decide to do it on their own.

So we quit talking about it for a few days.  Then one day I said, "Girls - it's time to go potty in the big girl potty. Oh, wait, you're not big enough girls to use the big girl potty are you.  Never mind, we don't have to go to the potty."  This was met with an emphatic, "I AM big enough!" -- followed by success.

Reverse psychology seemed to be the key for these two!

Our day care provider, Kelli, declared Megan potty trained one day and took her picture. She posted it online, bragging of her success.  Megan was SO proud!  And so were we!


The girls started really getting into "p osing" for pictures this past year.  Strange things.
"Take a picture of my mouth, mommy"

Megan, Kayla

And Kayla decided to put on a dance for me.  I only wish I'd had my video camera instead of just still pictures!


The girls are often all over each other. One usually tires of it before the other, and they fuss, but until that point -- makes for some photo opportunities of them side by side.
Kayla, Megan

Megan got some alone time with Mommy this month -- and a trip to Braum's for ice cream!


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